SENTINELS!!! Days of Future Past Unloads Ton of Videos and Pics

It feels just like an X-Men Christmas here at UTF as DAYS OF FUTURE PAST has officially unveiled their viral marketing scheme, unloading a metric fawk ton of amazing Sentinel laden videos and photos. We’ve nabbed the very best from the page, so take a look below:


They look so god damn amazing. When Bryan Singer was first announced as director, I was momentarily worried that our favorite purple mutant killing machines would be bound in tight black leather. Ridiculous, I know. But now that I’ve witnessed the ball dropping awesomeness of these bad boys in action, I can finally declare them as the COOLEST MOVIE ROBOTS EVER!

And what about Peter Dinklage’s horrible butt stache? It’s as if he walked up to his neighborhood barber and said “I want a disgusting flank of facial hair so rank, that people automatically know I’m a giant asshole”.

Mission achieved, Bolivar Trask. Mission achieved.

Here are some photos from the page:

SOURCE: Trask-Industries