So, There’s A Bigger Connection Between Alien and Prometheus

In the grand spectrum of cinema, there’s one resoundingly unifying constant… and that’s Tinseltown’s obsession with sequels (and prequels). Hollywood, like the bloated succubus it is, has decided milking established franchises for every last ounce of money is their hip new fad. You know… instead of making smart, inventive stand alone films. But don’t let my self-indulgent whining confuse you on the matter, every once in a while we’re gifted a diamond in the rough, just look at all of these insanely great superhero flicks (ahem… The Avengers?)

Well, there’s one more sequel-ish movie that shows promise: Ridley Scott’s Prometheus. This film is a quasi-prequel to the original Alien, which starred Sigourney Weaver (and a sweaty white t-shirt). While promoting this newest flick, Scott has steered away from drawing any direct connections to the greater cinematic universe of his previous xenemorph adventures, but recently the director slipped up.

In an interview with EW, he frequently referred to Prometheus as Alien (hmmm, very Freudian), which admittedly isn’t THAT big of a shocker. Just consider how many hours of interviews Sir Ridley has been forced to endure. At that point, anyone’s mind would be reduced to mush.

What’s more interesting, though, is this bit…

“There may be a vague notion, some slight DNA from the original Alien. […] But barely. Fans of the original Alien will notice some things, especially toward the end of Prometheus. Like, 12 minutes from the end. But I really can’t say more than that.”

An exact time? Well, that must be something pretty important (and deliberate).  This whole scenario just reeks of ‘prequel’, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, especially when such a high caliber director is involved.

What do you guys think? Will this film have a bit more Alien than we’ve been led to believe? Or is it simply a standalone?

SOURCE: ComicBook