OPTIMUS PRIME Dodges Explosions and Partakes in General Badassery on Set of TRANSFORMERS 4

We’ve nabbed the first bit of Optimus Prime footage from the set of TRANSFORMERS 4, and unlike so many of the previous movies, there isn’t an explosion in site.

Well… that’s not exactly true. Michael Bay and black powder were a match made in heaven, so this video is destined to feature a few bits of “stuff that goes boom”.

Check it out below:

I’ve never been a massive fan of these Robots in Disguise. In fact, I remember when I was younger, and Beast Wars was all the rage… I had become a massive fan of these animal bots, and I could care less about the original, vehicle iterations. On one of my birthdays, my aunt accidentally bought me Optimus Prime (in all of his semi-truck glory), but I had specifically requested Optimus Primal (the big black gorilla).

Many pathetic tears were shed on that day.

But, unless Michael Bay decides to throw in Rattrap and Cheetor into Transformers 4, then I’ve got no dog in this fight…  Bring on the pointless explosions and unnecessary wet t-shirt scenes, because this isn’t my childhood dream getting killed!