Check out the STAR TREK: INTO DARKNESS Super Bowl Ad

The Super Bowl Ads are hitting the internet like wildfire. World War Z (which was extremely underwhelming) was the first to go, now we have the Star Trek one and it’s pretty exciting. It has all the components for a really good 30 second TV spot. Check it out below.

[springboard type=”video” id=”659195″ player=”ulfb001″ width=”480″ height=”400″ ]

Now that’s how you do a Super Bowl ad. What’s interesting is that it appears a good majority of the film takes place on Earth. I’m not quite sure how the ‘Star’ part will factor in. Nonetheless, this was definitely an exciting ad, lots of big explosions featuring the Enterprise. I know I’m personally looking forward to it after watching this.

Into Darkness is in theaters on May 17th.

Source: CBM