18 Year Old Lead Actor Hired In JURASSIC WORLD

jurassic world

Please don’t be like Jurassic Park 3. Please. PUH-LEASE!!!

According to the latest gossip from that one weird mustachioed flautist who panhandles outside our office (we’re of course referring to the anthropomorphized version of The Hollywood Reporter) Colin Trevorrow’s Jurassic World has just cast an 18 year old lead in the form of child actor Nick Robinson. Now, we’ve no word whether Robinson will play the top billed role or if he’s simply one of many lead cast members of an ensemble cast, and even though I should hold my unreasonable concern in check… I can’t!

What if this turns into another Jurassic Park 3? Remember how the once terrifying Dinosaur beasties were bested by a 12 year old fossil-enthusiast and a jar filled with T-Rex piss?

Sure, Trevorrow’s one bad mama jama, but his directing skills have never been tested in the realm of horror/thriller/bitey-gnashy-gnawing flicks.  I suppose only time will tell, and casting a young lead certainly isn’t any indication of Jurassic World’s final print, but I’m gonna let my mind run wild with all the horrible possibilities

Because I’m a big, bearded child.  What of it!?!?!?

nick robinson jurassic park