Classic SUPERHERO Merchandise

The blog Retrospace has scanned some charming and bizarre ads for some charming and bizarre superhero-based merchandise from the 1970s. If, like me, you’re old enough to remember when this stuff was actually available in your local toy store, or could be gotten by mail for sending in $2.50 plus 25¢ for shipping and handling, these ads will bring back some poignant memories of simpler times. You know, like when Terry from down the street was chasing you every morning while you were just trying to walk to school, and your parents were going through a divorce, and the coolest non-comics representation of superheroes was the old Adam West “Batman” TV show.

Good times.

My favorite ad is this one, which features 12″ Superman family Mego dolls:

Check out the not-so-subtle placement of the legend “costumes are removable and washable!” right above Wonder Woman’s head. That, coupled with the strange message to “match Superman with Wonder Woman” should really get you thinking. In case you’re wondering, yes, those of us who did collect these Mego superhero action figures did often remove Wonder Woman’s costume, and place it on Superman’s body, and vice versa.

Source: Retrospace

See also: The Wonder Woman Mego Museum page.