Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #2 Review

Captain Victory is getting a little more interesting on this new take on famous characters. Read on to find out more.

Joe Casey and Nathan Fox are continuing their run on one of Jack Kirby’s greatest creations, Captain Victory! The search for Captain Victory continues! This time, they are bringing with them the special guest artist, Michel Fiffe! Across space and time, the crew of the Dreadnaught Tiger try to unravel the events of last issue. Where is Captain Victory and what new cosmic adventures has he found himself facing all alone?

This comic is becoming more and more interesting . Captain Victory and his companions are Victory02-Cov-Fox-e59e5trying to find the missing clone, as we learned from the last issue, is actually Captain Victory. It is an interesting take on a character that has been so prominent in comics. Well everyone is on the hunt for the clone, however, if we remember there is two of them that were sent into space and that comes into play into this issue. It is very quickly paced and doesn’t allow you to catch your breathe, which is both good and bad. It also gets us introduced to new characters, which is nice.

Joe Casey has great intentions with this comic but there are some things that he skips on explaining in order to move the story forwards. It is really too bad because we need some explanation. The one part that is hard is the cloning process and it isn’t explained fully so I hope that continue to be explained.

Nathan Fox and Michel Fiffe do a great job of showing us the world. Michel Fiffe is guest drawing on this issue and it really is a nice add to the comic. This comic is very vast and large but they bring it back to earth with their vivid colors and awesome lines.

Captain Victory is good book but lacks some explanation.

  • +A fast paced story is really exciting
  • -Things are not explained as much as should
  • +Vast pictures make for an interesting look
  • +A new take is a breathe of fresh air

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