Bedlam #6 Review

The killings are increasing and Fillmore is racing against the clock to find the root of the problem. However, when he meets the mastermind behind the killings, will he begin to sink back into his old ways?

Here is the summary from Image:


Fillmore begins to interrogate the Minister on the killings happening in Bedlam. On the other side of town, Eric (the killer) is rampaging through a hospital looking to claim his next victim, but finds himself battling Bedlam’s mysterious vigilante. With time of the essence Fillmore engages in a confession with the minister, revealing his darkest secrets.

Nick Spencer continues to draft an amazing script filled with twists and turns. There aren’t any flashbacks to Fillmore being Red strewn throughout the comic. This is a good thing because it allows us to be more engaged in the overall plot of the issue. The talk between the Minister & Fillmore is insightful and chilling at the same time. We see the Minister’s beliefs and why he chose to do the things he did and it is quite unnerving that he claimed he did these things in the name of God. Fillmore is more controlled and plays off of him while not succmubing to his rantings, the reveal that Fillmore gives the minster was an interesting twist and it will be nice to see how that will play off in future issues.

Riley Rossmo’s art is phenomenal as always. Each line and pose deliberate an adding to the tone and atmosphere of the book. The battle between the Vigilante & Eric has no dialogue which allows the art to shine more. The fight is brutal and visceral, with neither of them letting up, it’s a pretty bloody affair and it’s amazing to look at. The colors are murky and moody, adding to the dark tone of the series.

Bedlam #5 is another great addition to this awesome series. The characters are refreshing, the story is moody and dark and the art is phenomenal. The issue ends with a haunting reveal that will surely come back in future issues. I highly recommend this issue and this series.


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